Starting the Process:
Whether in the preliminary conceptual stages or a bit further down the development stages, the easiest way to start a loan request is contacting MADC via email at We also welcome introductions through the City of Middleton and Middleton Chamber of Commerce. Our experience and knowledge of Middleton can provide helpful advice to a prospective borrower on how a project could be structured.
Information for the Loan:
No two loan requests are ever the same. Nor are the borrowers. MADC works with each prospective borrower to fully understand the needs and financing requirements best suited for a project. As with any financial institution, information used in our underwriting process includes a business plan in executive summary format that details the financing request, financial projections and a project summary. Tax returns, and other details based on the complexity of the loan, may also be requested as part of the underwriting process.
Most of the information can be transmitted electronically to expedite the process. Knowing your business plan and its specific financing requirements are important to getting started. All financial information provided to MADC for the loan request is kept confidential.
Most of the information can be transmitted electronically to expedite the process. Knowing your business plan and its specific financing requirements are important to getting started. All financial information provided to MADC for the loan request is kept confidential.
Types of Loan Programs:
Real Estate Financing – Designed to help purchase land or buildings in the City of Middleton that will be used for business purposes. MADC has not traditionally financed apartment projects.
Equipment Purchases – Customers have relied on MADC to finance manufacturing and technical equipment used in the operation of their business.
Leasehold Improvements – Financing provided for renovating, remodeling or building out leased space for retail or office settings.
Business Term Loans – Expansion of business operations can require additional capital and we can provide a commercial loan with repayment terms structured over a longer term.
Interim Financing – A borrower may ask MADC to partner with their current financial institution to assist with short term loans that could include takeout financing from the SBA or a bridge loan until permanent financing is in place.
Equipment Purchases – Customers have relied on MADC to finance manufacturing and technical equipment used in the operation of their business.
Leasehold Improvements – Financing provided for renovating, remodeling or building out leased space for retail or office settings.
Business Term Loans – Expansion of business operations can require additional capital and we can provide a commercial loan with repayment terms structured over a longer term.
Interim Financing – A borrower may ask MADC to partner with their current financial institution to assist with short term loans that could include takeout financing from the SBA or a bridge loan until permanent financing is in place.
Loan Structure
MADC works like most lending institutions by offering properly structured loans. Our loans typically require monthly principal and interest payments and can amortize up to 10 years depending upon the security.
Our interim financing loans are often done in conjunction with a local bank looking for assistance for a term of less than 12 months. Theses loans are for a defined period, and the involved bank and the exit strategy are typically already in place prior to MADC involvement.
Collateral to secure the MADC loan is either a secured interest in a piece of equipment or a junior real estate position. All loans require a personal guarantee of the owners.
Loan fees are nominal and the Borrower is responsible for any legal fees necessary for preparing the loan documents for MADC.
Our interim financing loans are often done in conjunction with a local bank looking for assistance for a term of less than 12 months. Theses loans are for a defined period, and the involved bank and the exit strategy are typically already in place prior to MADC involvement.
Collateral to secure the MADC loan is either a secured interest in a piece of equipment or a junior real estate position. All loans require a personal guarantee of the owners.
Loan fees are nominal and the Borrower is responsible for any legal fees necessary for preparing the loan documents for MADC.
Once the preliminary information is reviewed, the applicant is often invited to an MADC meeting to present the request and to answer questions about the project before the Board. The intention is to provide a timely and responsive answer to any loan request.